Friday, January 28, 2011

Ichi the Killer

Hinya, I'm Ichi! :3 I'm a cat >.> I live in this house where i get free food.
This is a picture of me.

My full nyame is Ichiro, which is Japanese for "first son".
When my owner first got me, she thought i was a girl >.>
But I'm nyat! I'm a boy! And I can fight really well. That's why they call me Ichi the Killer.
I was born on the 12th of April, so I'm 9 months old nyow.
I like playing, sleeping, eating, hanging out with my buddies, climbing trees and houseplants.
My biggest idol is longcat, he's so looonnggnya! But I'm very long as well! >.<
Check out my longnyess >.>

In my house there is this stalker person that follows me around with some device >.>
I went to check it out and found all these pictures of some cat that looks just like me O_o
So suspicious! >.< Here are some I found.

Hmm... sleepy... =_=


Nya! Ichi.