Monday, December 20, 2010

OMG we're in Narnia!

Last night I dreamt the snow was gone, but when I woke up it was still there. Too bad.
On my way to school I noticed the landscape looked a lot like a certain land in a certain movie. Which reminded me of the following (for those of you who know the Twilight books).

Looking up this picture, I found another picture which made me laugh really hard, so I thought I'd share.

But ok, back to the weather. Buses were driving at random times, so that gave me a lot of time to look around. Here are some of my encounters.

When walking up to it, I thought it was a big pile of snow, which is pretty cool. But when I walked around it, I saw it was a snow cave! Now that's just awesome.

 My neighbours from across the street have a reed roof. This is nothing special ofcourse, but in combination with ice it makes an awesome wall of icicles hanging from it. I wasn't able to take a picture of it, but when riding the bus I saw another example from the window (less cooler than my neighbours though).

When I got home I noticed the plant in my bathroom flowered for the first time. The guy at the market said the little crystals it made on its stems were the inflorescence. Boy was he wrong. He should see the pretty flowers this plant makes. Maybe I should pay him a visit.

To end this post,

Happy winter everyone!


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