Wednesday, December 1, 2010

And so it commences!

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while now. But since I'm usually lazy in keeping diaries and stuff like that, I've been prolonging the idea. Now I've decided to finally try. I hope people will find what I write about interesting and I hope people will share their views and experiences with me. Wish me luck!

Things you might catch me writing about:
- Papercraft
papercraft is making paper models of all sorts of things like game characters or pokemon or whatever. I might post something about models I'm working on, the progress and models for future creation or of special interest.
- Nature
as you might have read, I'm a Biology student (specifically Plant Biology). So I'm interested in nature. I might post photo's of mushrooms or plants and tell something about it.
- My cat
I have a young cat of atm 7,5 months old. I've made lots of movies and photo's of him already, but haven't really posted anything online yet, so look forward to his cuteness! :3
- Anime and Manga
I'm a big anime fan and I've read tons of manga (even made a database for it), so I might share my opinion about certain series I'm watching or share wallpapers (idk).

Enjoy reading!


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