Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Recipe Time: Dinner Salad

Now for the second part of the main course:

Chicken and mushroom pie with dinner salad.

It's Dinner salad time! I love the freshness and multitude of flavours of this recipe and hope you will enjoy it as well.

You need:
  • Pasta (preferably Fusilli)
  • Lettuce (preferably different types, like Rucola and Oakleaf lettuce)
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumber
  • Feta cheese
  • Pine nuts or walnuts
  • Smoked chicken (expensive version) or bacon (cheap version)
  1. You start with boiling water for the pasta and cooking the pasta. In the meanwhile you slice everything except the nuts and lettuce into tangible pieces. If you chose the bacon version, you first fry the bacon in a frying pan before cutting it. You can also fry the pine nuts
  2. When the pasta is done, poor it off and cool it with some cold water. When it has cooled enough, mix everything together and you're done! Nice and easy ;-).
  3. Enjoy your meal!

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