Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Recipe Time: Dinner Salad

Now for the second part of the main course:

Chicken and mushroom pie with dinner salad.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Recipe Time: Chicken and Mushroom pie

Now for the recipe which was supposed to have been posted at the beginning of this month.
My parents came over for a thank you dinner to show my gratitude for their help with the house. The main course was this:

Chicken and mushroom pie with dinner salad.

To make it all better

To those who are wondering, it's Iceland from Hetalia World Series. Isn't he cute? >.<


Thank you Blogger

For letting my posts magically disappear -_-
Here I was, thinking I had posted a nice recipe, which is now gone.
Also another draft post was multiplied 6 times and had messed up tags.
I wonder what happened with their servers, but this sucks anyhow. >.>