Sunday, March 6, 2011

OMG The Horror D:

Ok, this picture looks like some scene from a horror movie, but it's actually my soon-to-be bedroom. Can you imagine sleeping in there? D: I (almost) see dead people >.>

But don't worry my friends! We've worked really hard and I'll show you how much this room has improved.
We first removed all the wallpaper, which was a terrible job! This room was the worst, because it had 2 layers of wallpaper which both consisted of 2 layers >.> That in combination with years and years of panting and whatever else those people did in their bedroom ... made this a really gross job.
The pictures below are a walkthrough of the different steps we took. Left is the wall you look at when you enter, right is seen from standing in front of the window. If you focus on one row and scroll down, you can see the change :3 The first two were taken after some sweeping and some more labour.

After removing all the wallpaper (it really didn't want to go).

After adding some smoothing material (notice the door as a wallpaper table ;D).

The final result.. Pam Pam Paammmmmmmm!

Doesn't it look way better than the first picture!? :D We still need a floor though.. (ssst).
These are the wallpapers we used up close.

I can't wait 'till we're finished! It will look so great! :D Thanks for your patience and see you next time!
