Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Ok, now for the reason I've been afk for a while.

I've got an APPARTMENT! *victory dances*

Yesterday they handed over the keys and ofcourse it still needs a lot of work, but yay! I finally have a place to call my own. I'll be living together with my partner and Ichi, if he wants to, and I'm really looking forward to it :3 This is the hall where you enter.

If you move straight ahead you'll enter the bedroom -_-zZ

If you turn left you'll enter the living room.

In total it's a 3 bedroom appartment with lots of light, though I hope the neighbours will let me hack some branches of their tree (it's blocking my sunlight >.>) sorry plant :<

But all in all a really nice appartment. I wonder what it'll look like when I'm done with it *grins evilly* >:D Maybe I'll show it to you guys ;) Anyways, in the future I'll be posting from there.

Have a nice day!



  1. wooooooooooooo congrats my dear sis!
    That looks excellent.

  2. update tijd, meer plaatjes plz!

